Thursday, June 6, 2013

Diving In!

So, we're attempting a (semi) screen-free summer.

There. I've said it on the internet. That means it's true, right?

A few weeks ago, I looked out the window to see my kids knee deep in dirt, having themselves a grand time in the great outdoors. They stayed out for the whole day, popping their heads in briefly for snacks or a bathroom break. The TV didn't go on that day or for a week thereafter.

"Isn't this great?" I thought to myself. "Shouldn't they be doing that all the time? Hey... what if we went totally screen free this summer?"

I looked down at the phone in my lap.

"Ok, what if we went mostly screen free?"

I mentioned the idea to Shaun. He heard the sound of saved money when I mentioned cancelling cable and was instantly on board. 

I fleshed out the idea a little.

1. No TV
2. Movies on special nights, pre-planned. 
3. iPad time would be limited and earned. 
4. I would (gasp) put my phone away most of the day. 
5. I'd blog it. (Yes, a screen... but I have to document the insanity). 

The one obvious exception is when we drive to Texas like crazy people would... I'm giving unfettered screen access during that drive. I like my sanity right where it is, thank you very much.

So... today was supposed to be day one. We surrendered the cable box and remote. I hid the iPad. 

Then the eldest was up 3 times last night with a cough. The youngest infiltrated our bed and rose at 5am. Bleary eyed, I fished the iPad out of the cabinet and tossed it in his general direction. The middles woke up shortly thereafter and I transferred movie watching to the television to allow the eldest to sleep and me to have an uninterrupted cup pot of coffee. The youngest decided he would NOT wear a diaper this morning, but he also won't stay on the potty unless the movie is on. (I know this because he walked in the kitchen to pee. ON ME). So they're on movie # 2. 

Day 1 SUCCESS. Or... um, something. 

But hey, it's a start. Stick around for stories of our insanity, posts about what we're doing to fill our time, and some accountability to help me stick with it. Or join with me! Oh, you know how misery loves company! :)


Maybe I should go turn that television off now? Maybe once I down another cup of coffee. 

Signing off... for now.

image credit


  1. We are also going semi-screen free this summer!! I wish we had coordinated the start of our craziness... but we still have a week and a half left of school so I'm not officially starting until the 17th.


  2. I've been thinking about how to limit screen-time this summer too. We already limit it during the school year (1/2 hour computer, 1 TV show per day is the max)... but in the summer I give in to extra way more than is necessary (umm, like EVERY DAY)

    My thoughts right now include no tv (maybe computer too?) until after "rest time" in the afternoon. My determination is always stronger in the morning!

    Sometimes I think it would be easier just to ban it altogether during the week... but then I get scared! :)
